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Rhyme and Rhythm

Over the last two weeks, Year One have been looking at rhyme and rhythm in their English lessons. We have thought about our favourite nursery rhymes and have re-written the rhymes to make some silly versions. We have created rhyming strings of words remembering that it is the ending sound that matters, not the spelling, so see can rhyme with key. We have also played the pebble game where we need to think of rhyming words as the pebble goes around the circle. We have read a range of poems looking for the different rhyming words. We spotted that they were always at the end of a line and, sometimes, they skipped a line so the rhymes were every second lines.

Along with rhyme we have been thinking about rhythm, clapping the pattern and beat of the poems we are reading. We have also been looking at syllables, thinking about how many ‘claps’ or syllables there are in the words. We used this idea of syllables to help us create rhythmic poems about food which followed a special rhythmic pattern. We needed to use 2 syllable foods e.g. sausage, carrot, custard, mango, pizza, followed by 1 syllable foods e.g. egg, pear, rice, beans, in order for the poem to work. Finally we learned our favourite poem of the week ‘who likes pancakes?’ and put our own actions to it.
